If one planet in our solar system, other than Earth, could be made to simply disappear, which would ...
- Have the most profound impact on the structure and mechanics of our system?
- Have the most profound impact on the collective imagination of mankind?
What's more common in modern-day debate ...
- Premises stated, but poorly established as true, or
- Unstated premises, simply assumed to be true, or
- Poorly argued conclusions stemming from premises, or
- Conclusions that have no relationship to premises previously asserted?
What's your favorite ...
- Meal you'd confess to in the company of business professionals
- Meal you'd confess to me here
If aliens came to visit us, which would freak out mankind more ...
- Aliens that were fundamentally different from us (think "Horta" on Star Trek)?
- Aliens that were essentially just like us?
If you were instantly transformed into another living organism -- and was consciously aware with your human awareness that you were that other organism -- which organism would you LEAST want be? Why?
If you had the ability to be immortal, what aspect of immortality -- other than the "Highlander" thing with friends/family dying off -- would be most disturbing?
You have a video camera and a time machine ... other than the birth of Jesus, his crucifixion or resurrection or ascension (I'm intentionally ruling out the obvious stuff), what event of history would you want to tape and bring back to modern day?
How would modern society be altered if that one event you taped and brought back turned out to be radically different from what people thought it was? Why?
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