Monday, March 06, 2006

Today my daughter moves house

... and you know this is where sometimes prayer works.

Alice was going to move away from the area we live in, taking the children, as she was heartbroken at the loss of her fella. But "good news" for Alice as her beau left his partner and now Alice has her man. So the immediate run-away instinct was short circuited.

Then unfortunately Alice's mother got sick and it transpires that the care home wants to charge her mother £1,000 GBP per week for residence. For the lesser sum of £250 per week rent, Alice can move to a much bigger house than the tiny one she is in, so it's a good deal for Alice to rent a larger house, move her mother in, and look after her full time (with her mother, and me of course, footing the bills).

So Alice needed to find a larger (rented) house in the area we live in now. Great! It transpires that the first house she saw was about 500 yards away from where I live. She didn't want to be that close to me so she kept looking and looking for a more "suitable" property .... Meanwhile the £1,000's GBP per week in the care home were stacking up so Alice felt that she really needed to move. So - you guessed it, she took the property that is 500 yards away from me !!

So as from today my daughter could *almost* walk to my house, although there are some back streets involved and I wouldn't want to let her do so at the tender age of 8. But nontheless, this will make things easier and I'm very happy :-) Thank you lord.


The not so good news is that I have to have both of my two veg slashed open for biopsies, under a general anesthetic - they're looking for the early signs of cancer (something they refer to as "pre cancerous cells"). Fingers crossed, it's not urgent apparently so I've pushed it out until the end of May.

Something about giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other springs to mind? :-)

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