Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Sad Sad Award ....

... goes to ... BAGWELL!!! But not for his excellent taste in one of my favourite Rolling Stones songs, but for his interest in American Idol.

I have never seen this program, or it's UK equivalent, but have heard of it of course .. after all I do not live in a bin liner buried underneath the Gobi desert, well not on weekdays anyway.

I hear your prediction. I scan read what you wrote, then went back and decided to make my own prediction based solely on the pictures. I think it will come down to the last two of Elliot and Kellie, and Elliot will win because he looks like someone else who won something similar so that must be the kind of look that the people who vote of such things would vote for.

Note: I would give the Christian Mandissa the wild card chance as a Christian won a UK reality TV show so obviously people are willing to spend money voting for Christ :-)

My serious question to you is .. have you voted ??


Another thing .. what's your view on The Beatles vs. The Stones? Lennon always claimed that Jagger just copied everything The Fab Four did and that was how they made it. I suspect there was something of that (just look at the Jagger hero-worship of The Beatles in the "All You Need Is Love" world broadcast) -- but eventually The Stones came into their own. Again, I love that song "Sympathy For The Devil" and just this moment had to play it VERY loud (woo woo). A good choice for a Friday sir.

PS. I just got the title of your post "Gimme Shelter" some months ago :-)

PPS. Now listening to (I can't get no) Satisfaction - hey these are great lyrics. "A man comes on the TV and tells me how ... he can't be a man as he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me" ... deep stuff!! Marvellous.

PPPS. I was born in a crossfire hurricane! Oh yes. Just try not to move to that number.

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