Sunday, March 19, 2006

Death and Poetry

I'm sorry to hear of your loss, and that of your aunt and cousin. I think that in a sense we are all living on borrowed time, perhaps the greatest gift the creator gives us is just that -- the actual time of our lives. My prayers of comfort go with you and your extended family and especially your aunt. I hope she goes forwards and starts to enjoy life again as soon as possible. And I hope that your cousin's brother had a good 12 years - those years that medical science gave him that he woud otherwise not have had.


You talk about the feelings that words can inspire, like with poetry for instance. Shakespeare. This is all to do with our emotions. Emotions are great when they are good and horrible when they are bad. But at least we are alive, my point from above -- the greatest gift.


I had some trivial stuff to talk about but it doesn't seem appropriate at this time.

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