Friday, May 04, 2007

Carbon offsetting

This is where you use as much energy as you like but donate some money to a tree planting enterprise in Bolivia or somewhere. The thing is, we think we need our energy, well I know I do.

The only answer is to change our values, or (better) use technology/science to allow us to use unlimited energy.

I think I followed your Nissan once around the Washington belt to a restuarant? Is it the one with the personalized :) number plate? Incidentally, that restuarant was the only one I have ever been to in my life that had valet parking.


Sorry I have been inactive for a while, Katherine has been on her first school journey this week, I packed her off on the coach on Monday morning (only a few tears) and will pick her up this afternoon. She's been to an activity center, Manor Adventure, Shropshire UK - I think she got on OK, parents were allowed no contact, well, only in case of emergencies so I assume there have been none.

So I've been down in Hursley working for the man during my "time off" from being a parent.

Incidentally whilst I was in Hursley I got a phone call from K's older half sister asking is she could come and live with us. It was a real "Gimme shelter" phone call, not sure what to do as I don't want to anger the monstrous regiment. Prayer is the answer.

A friend said about my daughters mother "It could be that the purpose of her life is only to serve as a warning to others". I wonder if that is why we have evil in the world? To serve as that warning? Well she did give birth to our daughter so that's a good purpose I hope.


We would fairly quickly become exceedingly arrogant and selfish. Fear is a check on those behaviors

I wonder why we like to behave in this fashion? Behaving like this must have some kind of feedback loop that makes our glands emit happy chemicals I suppose?

Might "artisan" be a now obsolete term for any service person -- plumber, carpenter, painter, etc.?

Yes, and still used in certain upper class circles so not so much of the obsolete.

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