Monday, February 05, 2007

Emergent Behaviour

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

This gets back to my point about the teachings of The Bible telling us to cast aside (or at least moderate) those brain structures in ourselves that have (allegedly) presumably evolved from natural selection (aka. "instincts").

Even if a Christian did not take Genesis literally, I can still see why a lot of Christians would be against natural selection on the grounds of "God giving us these urges does not fit in with the plan that sin is all the fault of the individual". And "Why would we need to forgive someone a sin if they were compelled to do it through their genetics?" I'm thinking of eg. a gay preacher who preached against homosexuals.

Hmm in his case was the sin of the preacher being a practising gay or being two-faced? Both I assume. For me the latter is the "sin" because I am assuming it breaks the "Treat others .." Golden Rule, unless of course the preacher is a masochist, individuals for whom which I have always maintained the rule does not work.

A termite "cathedral" mound produced by a termite colony: a classic example of emergence in nature. Is this building in any way a sin?

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