By no means complete !
Faith | No faith | |
"Who or what created things?" | Pro | Con |
Helps me to treat others as I would wish to be treated | Pro | Moot |
Provides someone to always love me | Pro | Con |
Provides the meaning behind life | Pro | Con |
Helps with fear / pain of death and loss | Pro | Con |
Need to give it money | Con | Pro |
Which faith is correct? | Con | Pro |
Why do bad things happen? | Con | Pro |
Potential hyprocrisy | Con | Moot |
Potential self-righteousness | Con | Moot |
Man I looked up hypocrisy in the dictionary and it describes me to a tee, both in home and work life. Without hypocrisy I'd be a bum on the streets for sure.
hy-poc-ri-sy [hi-pok-ruh-see]
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
Maybe I was born on the wrong world or something? I really can't see the point in many of my activities but I do them anyway to avoid looking out of place and to keep the peace.
Tombstone - a great movie which I much enjoyed - thanks for the reminder I will order it from Blockbuster rental and watch it again. Glad you had some fun in the dessert with the missus however. I had no idea that Santa Fe was some kind of artist/bohemian town an all.
On the stack for discussion is:
- Capacity for choice
- Queen insects
- Pete Doherty
- Spock's mind meld

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