Sunday, September 16, 2007

Inflection Point?

Have you and I reached a turning point in our lives, but for different reasons? You because of your single-parent status and me because ... well, I'm not exactly sure why the steam is out of my pipes.

One of the scenes from the movie "Breach" showed the character Eric O'Neill (played by Ryan Phillipe) rather down in the mouth and seeking advice from his father, who, presumably, was career Navy. The father, played by Bruce Davison, recounted what his father had told him when he, Eric's father, was a young man and frightened about going out to sea for the first time:
"Just get on the boat and do your job. The rest will follow."
I'm wondering if deep within that is what we need to realize. Perhaps we are coming to realize that the dream of our work being of any real significance is vaporizing before our eyes. Perhaps we need to realize that, truly, it's just a job.

That's easier said than done for me. I define myself entirely by my occupation. Sad, but true.

I don't think the same is true of you.

Here's something my lovely bride tells me whenever I'm feeling low about not contributing what I think I should: "Your half-speed is equal to everyone else's best effort." She's a manager ... she has some insight into these things. You are the same way ... you produce more in an "off" day than most do when they're actually trying.

Do enough to stay employed. Focus on your daughter. She will be grown up and married before you know it.

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