Monday, February 06, 2006

One Gee

Here is an interesting calculation which says that if you could travel with a constant acceleration of 1 Earth Gravity (1g) then you could get to the edge of the observable universe in 25 years of your time. Quite a few more years would have elapsed on Earth of course, but to an observer on Earth - you would never be travelling faster than the speed of light. I wonder what it is like to ride a beam of light? :-) 50 billion light years in 25 years without travelling faster than the speed of light! That's the Lorentz Contraction of distances when moving at relativistic speeds for ya.

Time elapsed
on spaceship
in years
Time elapsed
on Earth
in years
Distance travelled
in lightyears
sinh(alpha) cosh(alpha)- 1
0 0 0 Earth (starting point)
1 1.175 .5431
2 3.627 2.762
2.337 5.127 4.223 Proxima Cen
3.962 26.3 25.3 Vega
6.60 368 367 Pleiades
10.9 2.7×104 2.7×104 Centre of Milky Way
15.4 2.44×106 2.44×106 Andromeda galaxy
18.4 4.9×107 4.9×107 Virgo cluster
19.2 1.1×108 1.1×108 Coma cluster
25.3 5×1010 5×1010 Edge of observable Universe

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