Thursday, November 10, 2005

An easy $200,000?

You wrote:

I think he holds in his mind an idea that "Intelligent Design" means accepting the literal Genesis account of creation.

Many people do not follow Christianity or The Bible because "science" offers a much more compelling origin of the history of species than Genesis. This is very unfortunate. I often find myself wishing all that stuff about 6 days and ribs had been left out. This is probably heresy of course, but the "Let There Be Light" is in excellent agreement with a Big Bang and scientific theory, but other parts are not. I'm not sure what Moses was thinking, but maybe it is meant to be like this for a reason and I just cannot work it out. I don't subscribe to "it's like this to test your faith". That's like saying "believe in lighties, if you don't then your faith is weak and you are a bad person".

Check out:

There is a $200,000 reward if we, or anyone else, can find the two prime factors of a 2048 (binary) digit semiprime.

From your description of your underpowered kit it is unlikey that your Lenovo ThinkPad will give us the answer. However, it struck me that God clearly knows the answer, so can we win the $200,000 through prayer rather than brute force computation? Would this be a latter day "proof" of the magnitude of Jesus Himself walking up to the White House and asking George W. Bush what he's up to?

I guess another possibility is that humans will work out what these factors are at some point in the future. If time travel really is possible then perhaps they could come back into the past and tell us the answer?

Either way I will put a blank piece of paper under a cushion tonight, with a message on it saying "Please write the prime factors of RSA-2048 on the reverse. And see if there is any answer in the morning.

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