Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I LOVED that spaceship chart - thanks.


New Orleans - sorry about that I was suckered by the press again. My intention was to get folks praying. No offence intended.


You wrote:

We always do

Is that because there is something different about humans that reside on that piece of the Earth?


Machines - do they have souls? What is a soul? Is there any evidence for the soul, other than what is written in The Bible? If not, are we then again into the world of imaginary friends riding invisible pink unicorns? Ie. The land of faith ? If a person doesn't believe in the soul might that person think that machines will inevitably supplant humans?


I have a busy day at work tomorrow followed by a two day personal growth leadership class so will be "out of pocket" til the weekend. Mind the store willya pal?

Take "care" (but don't forget to take it!)

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